Care Packages
Blue Star Moms Houston sends care packages to deployed service men and women worldwide.
Do you know a hero deployed to a combat zone? Refer to the IRS website for official combat zones.
Send us his or her name, address and expected month of return to add them on the list.
Donations are appreciated and can be dropped off at the packing party or during sorting the day before between 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
We accept donations of items to send in the Care Packages, click here for a list of suggested items.
We can always use cards and letters to include in the care packages. Reference the guidelines below and feel free to collect cards and letters from your company, school, daycare, church, organization, etc.
American Legion Hall
307 Charles St.
Humble, TX 77338
We are only available at this address during designated times. Please contact us for information on when we are available at this address or to make arrangements to drop off donations at other times.
Bring to any packing party or meeting. For large donations (boxes or more than 3 plastic bags), contact us so we can arrange to pick up those items. Scroll down for drop of locations of small amounts (1-3 plastic bags). We are more than happy to make arrangements to pick up any donation.
Before dropping items off, please check their website or call them to confirm their business hours.
© Copyright 2021, Blue Star Moms Houston Area. All Rights Reserved.
Website designed by Jennifer Anastasi, LLC.